When it starts to fade, turn it into aid

Firms forced to shed old PCs can make a difference to children overseas

With Microsoft ceasing support for Windows XP in 2014, still one of the most popular operating systems in use by enterprises, many firms will be forced to undertake full-scale migrations to a new operating system in the near future.

While some of these migrations may see only software replaced, many firms will inevitably refresh their hardware as well. But what will happen to those old PCs and IT equipment?

Computer Aid has the solution - taking those PCs to where they are needed most: into schools in developing nations.

I have been privileged to see first-hand the effect that bringing IT equipment into such schools can have in developing countries, when I travelled with Computer Aid to Ethiopia. The trip was part of a project to deliver a suite of 20 PCs to a school in Addis Ababa that served about 1,000 pupils.

That was when I realised just how important a role technology can play in society. Within days of using the equipment, the schoolchildren had already developed a passion for technology, as kids inevitably do. And with access to the most important innovation of this generation - the internet - these children will gain a much higher standard of education and develop a broader view of the world.

But perhaps more importantly, being able to learn how to use PCs will equip school leavers in such poverty-stricken regions to gain meaningful employment in businesses.

Without the ability to use ICT, students do not have the mandatory skills needed to pursue further education, and go on to gain employment in an office environment. With ICT skills, they can, and this enables them to support themselves and their families, and helps them to work their way out of poverty.

That is why Computing is supporting Computer Aid with a new fundraising effort. First, we are inviting representatives of the technology industry’s elite names to test their skills against ourselves and each other on the football pitch. The Computing Summer Football Tournament will take place on the afternoon of Friday 26 August at Clapham Common and readers are welcome to come and watch.

We will keep you posted with the results and pictures from the event, but readers can also get involved and join in with the fundraising by visiting Computing’s page on JustGiving.

And if your firm has old PC equipment it does not want, get in touch with the folks at Computer Aid, and it will be in safe hands. They will refurbish the equipment, clean the hard disks and make it fit for purpose before sending it to an overseas partner that will deliver it to a school that will benefit hugely from it. Please visit www.justgiving.com/computingfundraising for more details.