Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Eagles' sky-high perspective and strong defences made them a popular choice

Eagles' sky-high perspective and strong defences made them a popular choice

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

That's why we asked some of the senior figures on this year's Top 100 IT Leaders list to choose the animal they thought represented them best - and there was certainly one most popular choice.

Visibility is all-important for an IT leader. After all, without having a solid overview of your operations, how can you expect to know what's going on?

CIOs would seem to agree, judging by the birds, elephants and giraffes they named on our list.

Dogs also made a strong showing, and hats off to James Packer of EF Education First who combined security and visibility with his choice - but you'll have to read on to find out what that was.

What this list shows most of all is that there is no one trait that defines an IT leader. Some think loyalty is important; others feel like perspective is the critical trait; and still others just want to swing around in the branches above the rest of us.

Tariq Khan, Chief Digital & Information Officer, London Borough of Camden

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In this role I'm very much an eagle flying over a sea of complexity (we run 600 lines of business), taking in the bigger picture to deliver a strategic approach to implementation of tech and data.

Click here to see Tariq's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Lee Cowie, Chief Technology Officer, Merlin Entertainments

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Giraffe! Having that height above everyone else allows for enormous perspective and I have found that perspective is the most essential element of being an effective leader - being able to sort what matters now from what will matter tomorrow.

Click here to see Lee's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Tom Clark, Chief Technology Officer, Ardonagh Advisory

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Definitely a dog - always optimistic, glad to see you and trusting.

Click here to see Tom's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Tony Donoghue, Owner & MD, Magikos IT

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While not strictly an animal, an owl. They seem to be fairly laid back and just get on with everything in the background without fuss or needing to be front and centre, but however busy/panicked they are, they remain calm to the outside world and carefully consider all available options.

Click here to see Tony's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Mark Fabes, Group CIO, Pladis

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I would see my self as a rhino: pretty thick skinned, go about my business in a non-threatening way, but prepared to defend my corner if provoked.

Click here to see Mark's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

David Germain, Group CIO, QBE

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I would be a dog. I love being around people. I'm happiest when I get to engage with people, and I'm loyal.

Click here to see David's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Sharon Moore, Global Technical Lead for Government, IBM

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This is too hard to choose, so I may have some sort of hybrid. But then, rules were made to be broken! Perhaps an elephant - they are well known to care for their family, and I see myself as a protector of that which I care about. I also have the empathy of a chimp - which is better in reality than it sounds!

Click here to see Sharon's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Nicholas Hodder, Director of Digital Transformation, Imperial War Museums

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Probably a monkey: I'm curious and always interested in new things. I'll play with them and I'm not afraid to break them (that could be considered bad - but I haven't destroyed anything too important yet). I'm also social, caring and I look after my team - though I do let them make our own mistakes.

Click here to see Nick's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Damon Impett, Director of IT, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines

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I would be a bird of some sort, potentially an eagle. The bird part is easy: essentially being able to fly would give a whole new perspective on the world and I'd be able to get to those places at the weekends without traffic jams or getting or going through the pain of airports and flights! And the eagle - well, I don't want to be eaten by a cat!

Click here to see Damon's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Paul Jennings, IT Director, VIRTUS

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A lion - I'm a Leo and have to relate to the lion ! I've seen a pride of lions up close in Africa and was completely fascinated by them.

Click here to see Paul's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

James Packer, Head of Information Security, EF Education First

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I would be a meerkat - because I am not afraid to voice concerns, but I also can be very quiet and observant when its needed. Also, because I am very family orientated and look after my 'gang'.

Click here to see James' IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Jonathan Ritchie, CIO, Mastercall Healthcare

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I would be an eagle: great agility, can take in a high level view and an animal that is incredibly determined, courageous and represents freedom, wisdom and truth.

Click here to see Jonathan's IT Leaders 100 profile.

Thirteen IT leaders name their spirit animal

Plenty of eagles, no dragons

Soaring wings, thick skin, a pack mentality - we all like to imagine ourselves with the traits of our favourite animals.

Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO, Greater Manchester NHS Shared Services

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Probably a dog - as long as I am treated as I treat my own. Although the opportunity to fly like an eagle is an appealing prospect as well - how brilliant to be able to soar without an engine.

Click here to see Malcolm's IT Leaders 100 profile.