Getting more women into the tech space is an ongoing challenge - and not one that technical leaders face alone. It's up to parents, teachers and mentors as well.
Methods Analytics, a finalist in this year's Women in Tech Excellence Awards, is a dedicated team of problem solvers - appropriate for an issue that runs across the entire IT industry. Neena Edwards, a senior consultant at the company, says the reason the sector is still mainly male is "historic."
"Historically, anything to do with science and technology and computers was seen as a very 'man' job, as opposed to women."
Education is the best way to address the gender challenge, and Neena urges parents, teachers and business leaders to start showing girls that tech is a valid choice for them early on.
"Where we need to really concentrate is education children, certainly at a young age. We need to ensure that children in primary schools are encouraged to take part in science, take part in computing, and make it equal for everyone so there's no 'Oh, you're a girl, you can't do that. That's not what we want.
"It's really important to have that education at a young age, to ensure that the next generation is more equitable."
For those women who have decided to pursue IT, despite the challenges, Neena's main advice is to be proactive, network, and never stop learning. Networking, she says, is "really important - not only building that network within the community you're in...but look wider. Look at those areas of interest around where you work, at similar companies, at similar roles - just reach out to people."
Methods Analytics' Felicia Ziparo is on the shortlist for Team Leader of the Year at tonight's Women in Tech Excellence Awards.