How can we encourage more women into IT? Computing readers give their views

Women in IT

Women in IT

Computing recently asked for your ideas to help gender diversity in IT. We were overwhelmed by your responses – here are some of the best…

It's well-known that IT has a gender diversity issue. Whilst the conversation is now very open, the pace of change is still glacial.

According to figures from the Office of National Statistics from March this year, women hold just 31 per cent of the UK's IT positions. When you start to look at senior positions that figure plummets to a disappointing 10 per cent.

Recently Computing asked for your ideas to help improve the situation. We were overwhelmed by the volume and quality of your responses. Whilst we don't have space for them all, here are some of the best.

The Women in Tech Festival will be happening on the 22nd and 23rd November 2021 - reserve your place now!