Which innovations could help the charity sector?

Computing puts out a call for new products, ideas and innovations which could be used by the varied organisations of the third sector

Do you know of any new products or technological innovations which could be used by charities and not-for-profit organisations?

Computing is collecting and collating ideas for new products and strategies which could be employed by organisations in the third sector. These will be fed through to a large group of these organisations and their suitability assessed. Submissions should be sent to [email protected], and marked 'Charity Innovation' in the title. Applications will close on the 4th December 2020.

The product, service or idea should be genuinely innovative and new, and something which the general IT community may not already be aware of.

If the charities group is interested in the idea, you will be contacted and invited to discuss the product or idea further, should you wish. This offer is open to both individuals and organisations.

This will be co-ordinated by Delta, Computing's award winning market intelligence service for IT leaders. Unlike other market intelligence services, it is European-focused, and draws its research from end users rather than vendors. Deltas subscribers benefit from the collated widom of thousands of the peers. With fantastic Black Friday deals now available, now is a great time to speak to Delta about joining the community. Contact Noel Anderson for more information at [email protected].

In July Delta won the prestigious Innovation of the Year award at the Professional Publishers Association (PPA) Awards.