Gain better control of your data with enterprise database consolidation

Save money and improve system manageability with enterprise database consolidation

Join us for this Computing web seminar, in which the Head of BI at the Co-operative Group Nick Colebourn will be explaining just how he reigned in the Group's sprawling database estate and how significant savings were realised and data quality improved as a result.

LIVE: 31st May 11.00am

Cost savings, agility and compliance.

These three goals are uppermost in the plans of almost every IT department in the country. One of the best ways of achieving these vital goals is to rein in the server sprawl, consolidating disparate databases in one location where they can be better managed.

In this way firms can react rapidly to changing market conditions, spot opportunities and move quickly to exploit them. Consolidation will also help IT managers to identify costs, bottlenecks and problems in their organisations or supply chains, before these can become a serious headache.

Join us for this Computing web seminar, in which the Head of BI at the Co-operative Group Nick Colebourn will be explaining just how he reined in the Group's sprawling database estate and how significant savings were realised and data quality improved as a result.


Stuart Sumner, Deputy Editor, Computing
David McClelland, Consulting Editor, Computing Market Research
Ian Giles, Application Platform Solution Specialist, Microsoft
Nick Colebourn, Head of Business Intelligence Development, Co-operative Group

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