Tim Kelsey, NHS England's national director for patients and information, admits data harvesting scheme raises ethical issues and will never be totally secure
Creating a database that is shared with local authorities could be a national identity scheme by default that could go against European rules, says head of ICO Scotland
National director for patients and information Tim Kelsey believes 2015 will be the year big data goes big in the NHS
NHS replied by claiming leaflets had already been sent to the printers and would not be recalled
Long-term secure access solution for care.data is still being considered, but new facility should be ready by March 2015
If answers satisfy Caldicott and the independent panel, Care.data will go ahead as an 'opt-out' scheme
MPs struggling to catch up with technology allow Google and GCHQ to treat personal data as their own
All Party Parliamentary Group report says there is a lack of clarity about the project and says it 'would be correct to halt the programme'
Plans for a central data warehouse to allow multiple agencies to access a patient's care record scaled back - but consent opt-out remains
Care.data to be re-started after hiatus as NHS England claims benefits outweigh the data risks