Digital transformation: It's a phrase that conjures up stock art images of business users navigating a bright and shiny world of ones and zeros. But get past the hype, and it's a fairly straightforward proposition: "Digital transformation" is another way of saying "business strategy inspired or shaped—and then enabled—by technology."
In practice, this means the only way for companies to stay competitive is to thoughtfully consider how technology is influencing their customers, fueling product innovation, offering new channels, disrupting operating models, and introducing new skills and imperatives for attracting, developing, and retaining employees. It is upon this foundation that companies can then smartly select, prioritize, and deploy digital solutions to to drive their success. Digital transformation isn't doing business as usual in a more efficient way, but reimagining your business in a way that allows you to stay competitive in a disrupt-or-be-disrupted world.
If there's one thing that we have in common, it's that to be successful in this digital world, we must be open to continuous learning. Here are a few lessons I've learned in my career that may help you successfully advance your digital transformation strategy.
This article is from Computing's Cloud ERP Spotlight, hosted in association with Workday.