What can CRM bring to your business?

CRM can deliver many benefits to multiple departments within an organisation - not just Sales & Marketing.

CRM can deliver many benefits to multiple departments within an organisation - not just Sales & Marketing. Customer retention is boosted, interdepartmental communication is improved, data and work duplication is reduced and workflows are made more visible to all. Information is centralised, leading to easier and more accurate business decision making.

An exclusive Computing survey of 130 business decision makers at UK organisations of all sizes set out to understand what business organisations define as CRM software and the extent to which it has been deployed. In addition to understanding the impact that CRM has had upon existing customers, we also wanted to establish what those who are planning to deploy CRM expect to achieve from it. This paper discusses the survey findings, how CRM has evolved, the benefits it can bring about and some more recent developments in the CRM market.

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