David Wilde - IT Lead, South and Vale Councils

What's your proudest work-related achievement of the last 12 months?

The establishment of the new technology strategy for South and Vale Councils aligned with their business strategies.

What's the number one skill today's IT leaders need?

To integrate technology into strategic business plans - they cannot continue to work in isolation.

How many people work in IT in your organisation?

It depends which one. For South and Vale it is 12 and most IT is outsourced, in Worcestershire it was 104, in Islington it is 154, and for my own business there are six of us in total.

What's your top priority for the next 12 months?

For South and Vale, moving forward with the technology delivery programmes; for Islington completing the service transformation; for Dwilde Consulting Ltd, launching our collaboration with Infomentum on Cloud made simple and living safe at home.

What's your annual IT budget?