Samsung Bixby and 7 more tech logos that look like something else

Warning: cannot be unseen (especially the Tesla one)

Samsung has unveiled the logo for its Siri rival Bixby and, if you ask us, it looks more like a pregnancy app than an impressive AI innovation.

But as tech logos go, it's not even close to the worst for looking like something else entirely. Here are our seven favourites.

1. Lenovo - the evil owl

Tell me that 'ovo' doesn't look like two eyes and a beak. Every time I look at the Lenovo logo, I see a watchful owl, ready to peck at a moment's notice.

I've named him Len for obvious reasons.

2. Acer - JADE

Look at your Acer laptop upside down and you'll be left wondering who Jade is and why she left her PC behind.

Coincidentally, Acer did a phone called Liquid Jade - if they'd dropped the 'Liquid' bit, it could have had a really cool ambigram logo.

3. LG - emo kid

We've all had this haircut. The eye-covering, the-world-doesn't-understand-me, Green-Day-on-my-iPod cut. The difference is, most of us grew out of it.

The LG logo still hasn't. It goes too well with its wallet chain and ear stretchers.

4. Motorola - a top-down look at Madonna's pointy bra

Imagine you're 1990 Madonna, wearing your eye-threatening pointy bra. You look down to check everything's in place, and you see - the Motorola logo?

This is ALL I SEE when I look at Motorola products. Thanks guys.

5. Reuters - a flushing toilet

This one is actually based on fact, assuming this Postsecret submission is accurate:

Even if it's not, you can't unsee the news toilet. It's been quite apt in recent months.

6. RJMetrics - Y-fronts

American analytics company RJMetrics was somewhat surprised when they started promoting their new logo on Twitter and received hundreds of replies from Brits asking why it looked like a pair of pants.

The resulting blog post - which is amazing - chronicles the introduction of said Yanks to the concept of Y-fronts, and the logo redesign that followed. To be honest though, it still looks like pants.

7. Tesla - a contraceptive coil

I'm guessing there were no women in the room when Tesla decided on their logo, because while it might look cool and macho to dudebros, it 100 per cent looks like a contraceptive coil to women.

That's right, it's a Tesla coil.

If you intended for your logo to make women cross their legs and cringe, Tesla, carry on. Your customers do that already.

All logos in this article remain the property of their respective owners, other than our terrible MS Paint edits which no one would want to claim anyway. Please don't sue us. Thanks.