Kaseya reveals the top four classes of vulnerabilities


MSPs can help their customers by building in security, consolidating systems management and automating tasks, company says

A recent audit by Kaseya, the supplier of IT management software to managed service providers, found that the top four classes of vulnerabilities present in organisations' systems are compromised Microsoft 365, open ports, unpatched systems and incorrect privileges.

Microsoft 365 compromises include misconfigurations, malicious logins and forwarded mailboxes to external domains. Open ports can leave databases and networks open to the web, unpatched systems are an obvious target for attacks, and incorrect privileges allow attachers to easily move across systems.

In an address to Computing's recent Deskflix Cloud Automation event, Keanan Ball, senior director product marketing at Kaseya, said the problem has a lot to do with the complexity of modern IT setups, with their mixture of legacy and new, cloud and on-premises, and remote and office working. Compounding the issue, many in IT are suffering from burnout having to both maintain the legacy technology and constantly learn new skills and new tools.

MSPs can help their customers by taking a platform approach, integrating all the systems both on premises and cloud, automating all the legacy tasks and building security in at each stage, said Ball.

"You need an integrated and unified platform of IT management and security solutions purpose-built to solve the challenges of multifunctional internal and external service providers," he said.

This requires a true sharing of data across the platform, the automation of manual tasks and also leveraging existing management tools in one solution via a single pane of glass, said Ball.