Kyndryl joins AWS to create cloud centre of excellence

Kyndryl joins AWS to create cloud centre of excellence. Source Kyndryl

Kyndryl joins AWS to create cloud centre of excellence. Source Kyndryl

IBM spinoff now has partnerships with all of the 'big three' cloud providers

Kyndryl, which was spun off from IBM's former infrastructure services business, has announced a new partnership with AWS.

The deal means that Kyndryl, which became an independent company on 04 November 2021, is now working formally with each of the 'big three' cloud providers.

Kyndryl is a managed services provider (MSP) focussed on enterprise IT infrastructure, including cloud; applications, data and AI; and networking and security. It has more than 4,000 customers around the world and employs 90,000 people.

The company announced today that it is now an AWS Premier Global Alliance Partner and will be working on creating a cloud centre of excellence with AWS, partnering with the cloud giant to develop services for mission critical infrastructure, mainframe network and edge computing services, and ERP.

The two companies will create an accelerator for VMware Cloud on AWS. In this venture, operatives from AWS, VMware and Kyndryl will deliver consultancy services and solutions to integrate enterprises' VMware infrastructure more closely with Amazon's cloud.

Many of Kyndryl's customers run VMware in their own data centres, so this can be seen as a way to simplify hybrid cloud operations.

"VMware, AWS and Kyndryl bring together a unique combination of customer focus, technology innovation, and industry leadership that, together, will accelerate customers' application modernisation and cloud initiatives," said VMware CEO Raghu Raghuram.

Kyndryl will also use AWS as one of its preferred providers for its own cloud needs, and the

The MSP has already forged similar relationships with Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

"Our ability to freely explore and unleash the combined benefits of AWS cloud services with Kyndryl's deep industry-specific managed services and expertise will provide an unprecedented level of knowledge and innovation," said Martin Schroeter, chairman and CEO of Kyndryl. "Together, we will invest in enhancing Kyndryl's expertise in AWS to help companies modernize, innovate, and compete."