Aim for user-centricity, says Automation Logic

Keep it simple, advises David Keigher

David Keigher, head of sales at DevOps and cloud consultancy Automation Logic was a panellist during a recent Deskflix discussion on the merits of multi-cloud. Unlike some of the other panellists, Keigher was sceptical about the trend, saying that organisations would be better off trying to get the most value out of their current cloud provider's services rather than hedging with a second CSP. We asked him to expand.

Computing: We're hearing more about multi-cloud and hybrid cloud now as a deliberate strategy rather than a halfway house. Why do you think that is?

DK: As I discussed on the panel, it is fully understandable how and why organisations find they have to move to, or transition through, hybrid cloud because of their legacy situation. However, this should not distract from the fact that true value comes from 'user-centricity' rather than pinning our colours to the mast of multi-cloud.

How does a user-centric strategy manifest in a multi-cloud environment?

Where an organisation recognises the value they can achieve in some services through the characteristics of using cloud then they will move these first or only.

What does this mean for the many that already use a deliberate multi-cloud strategy?

Multi-cloud, in my opinion, only purely has a value in global organisations where no one provider can satisfy needs. Strategy and procurement might see a risk offset by doubling up on effort to understand, manage and support different clouds. I see a risk of complexity and dumbing down to allow a folly of instant cloud switching.

How can an organisation recognise when its strategy is no-longer ‘user-centric' and what steps can be taken to remedy this?

The main themes that lead our thinking at Automation Logic are simplicity and user-centricity. Operating as a user-centric organisation is more about culture than strategy. When every employee understands the value of their work as seen by an end user or customer they have clarity of purpose. With that clarity comes empowerment to see increased customer value and make local decisions and improvements.

Deskflix: DevOps is happening on 21 April. Register today!