Industry experts discuss disparities in cloud ERP

The webinar will delve into cloud versus SaaS deployment environments, and how you can utilise IT skills to boost your business

Enterprise resource planning systems are among the most complex of any IT software tool - and although change is slow, the market is moving. Chief among these shifts is a move to the cloud - but not all migrations are equal.

Getting the most out of cloud-based ERP involves going beyond simply moving your existing on-premises solution(s) to a cloud environment. A well-implemented SaaS approach can not only transform and enhance these systems, but also evolve approaches to other processes and resources within the organisation.

Chief amongst these is what to do with the time the IT team is able to reclaim once they're no longer having to maintain on-prem ERP infrastructure. How can you use their technical skills to drive the core business instead of getting tied up by day-to- day IT?

In an upcoming webinar - Inside modern ERP: enabling transformation in people and processes - Computing's editorial director Stuart Sumner will join Unit4 CTO Claus Jepsen, the Natural History Museum's head of technology solutions, Richard Arthur Hinton, and Computing content strategist Andrew Hobbs to discuss cloud versus SaaS ERP.

The webinar, and accompanying dedicated research, will seek to address the issue of using IT skills to drive business, and the other key ways modern ERP can catalyse transformation in people and processes. This includes retaining and attracting talent, developing and right technology skills, and determining how ERP fits best into your wider transformation and cloud migration journey.

Register now to hear industry experts discuss the state of the modern ERP market, and the changes the last six months have wrought.