Deskflix Season Four: DevOps

Join us for our live virtual event on 30th June

DevOps is all about change. It's about altering perceptions of who should do what; it's about doing away with manual tasks through automation; it's about incorporating the latest ideas and paradigms so that software can be delivered with speed, efficiency and security.

But no one ever said that change would be easy, and indeed it's not. Once the initial enthusiasm generated by evangelists and early adopters has died down, what then? Is there enough momentum to keep DevOps moving forward or will the organisation slip back into its comfort zone? Have initial results lived up to expectations? Have agile practices spread beyond the IT department and into those other parts of the business that need to be equally fleet of foot? Has the original vision survived contact with the real world?

Make no mistake, organisations that are serious about DevOps must be prepared for the long haul. Unlike software updates, changes to business processes and structures are not easily rolled back. There will inevitably be resistance along the way. Not everyone likes change and some feel profoundly threatened by it. These issues must be handled with sensitivity and skill if ultimately the benefits of DevOps are to be realised.

Join us for our latest virtual event Deskflix: DevOps where you will hear how others have moved forward in DevOps, the challenges they faced, the mistakes they made, and how they put things right. Binge-watch our expert keynotes, end-user case studies and interactive panel discussions to understand the key issues surrounding the transition to DevOps, how to push through Agile and how to bring people with you as you do.

Don't panic if the CEO calls you away, we'll have all the content available on demand so you can watch it anywhere, anytime.

Even better, the event is CPD accredited meaning you'll earn points as you learn.

The full agenda can be found here and the event starts at 9.30 on Tuesday 30th June. Register for free today.