AI gives remote working tips, warns against 'Analyst Paul Table'

Set against the backdrop of fears that AI will take our jobs and eventually our lives, one algorithm produces a set of home working advice which seems unlikely to displace human consultancy for the time being

An AI programme has produced a set of home working advice. The algorithm, from Botnik Studios, is a predictive text AI, and was trained by consuming articles about productivity.

It produced a set of mystifying results including: 'You need to be conscious of the most dangerous thing: Analyst Paul Table is going to try to conquer your home. This scenario is really important. If you want to avoid the dreaded "Dear Box" you should skip your daughter's homeschool worksheets and do something.'

They were released in a series of tweets.

The advice is heavily redolent of some recipes put together by a neural network a few years ago, following its own digestion of various recipe books. Its suggested meals included 'Chocolate Chops and Chocolate Chips', 'Cabbage Pot Cookies' and the heroically named 'Beasy Mist'.

Computing has put together some hopefully more useful advice for home workers, including a roundup of the top video conferencing tools, a roundup of Identity and Access Management Tools, and the latest research from Delta on home working.