Overcoming barriers to IT management automation

There are all sorts of routine IT management tasks that would benefit from being automated

Many IT and services workflows are ripe for automation, requiring numerous repetitive manual tasks that are not only tedious for operatives but also double up on effort and waste valuable resources.

The field of security cybersecurity is the perfect case in point. As we all know, criminals are always one step ahead, just waiting for a patch to be forgotten or misapplied or a vulnerable library deployed and they're in.

We also know that as human beings we are not good at responding to tickets and alerts, differentiating between genuine anomalies and false alarms, or triaging responses. Not only are machines better at these things, but they also don't get bored or tired or allow creeping bias to set in.

And it's not only security. There are all sorts of routine IT management tasks that would benefit from being automated.

Which doesn't mean that automated systems are always right. They have interpretive weaknesses of their own which are easily spotted by an experienced professional. It's the combination of intelligent systems and intelligent people that's the winning mix.

But automating IT management tasks across a complex organisation is not so simple. From security and patch management to asset management to security response management, to application modernisation, IT teams are typically divided into a series of different specialisms each with its own specific remit and part to play.

These silos can be difficult to traverse. Different teams and business units tend to pursue their own goals and ignore the overall strategy, and too much cross-functional mixing can create problems of its own. You wouldn't want the software developers to patch the servers, or the security team to audit software licenses, for example.

So how do organisations introduce automation where it can achieve best results, stay on top of each team's activity, keep control of the budget - and ensure the available man-hours are spent as productively as possible?

In a Computing web seminar on Tuesday 02 June, we'll reveal exclusive research into the significant challenges enterprises are facing co-ordinating IT management efforts and the role of asset management and service management in lifting productivity and improving service levels.

During the CPD-accredited web seminar, our expert panellists will be on hand to answer all your questions about automating repetitive IT management tasks.

Register today and we look forward to chatting on 02 June.