Deskflix Season One: Empowering the Remote Working Revolution

Join us for the first part of our virtual event series

All across the country, and indeed around the world, organisations have suddenly found themselves navigating the unfamiliar world of remote working. From traditional companies to start-ups the impact has been monumental. Employers and employees are having to adapt to new working patterns, new technologies, and a whole plethora of new challenges from functionality to physical and mental health.

How are you and your organisation coping? Have you noticed an increased number of phishing attacks? Perhaps your help-desk team is struggling to provide customer service remotely, or more generally maybe colleagues are starting to lose their spirit?

In this launch season of Deskflix: Empowering the Remote Working Revolution we will address all of this and more. Join our industry experts for this virtual event to discuss the best tools for remote working, dealing with common technical, personal and managerial issues - and the many challenges of being an IT leader with completely remote teams and customers.

Join us on Thursday 21 May 10.00 am - 3.15 pm BST for Computing's first Deskflix season, Empowering the Remote Working Revolution, the first part of our new virtual event series.

See the agenda and register for the event

Here's why you should attend:

See you there!