Show your sustainability credentials at the UK IT Awards 2019

A win on the night is the perfect way to show off your environmental achievements

Every year, UK IT Industry Awards organisers Computing and BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT refresh the categories of the event to reflect changing trends - removing those that are out of date and looking at exciting new areas that companies are moving into.

12 of this year's 33 categories in the Awards, taking place at the Battersea Events Arena in November, are brand new, covering subjects including diversity, operations and sustainability.

The new Sustainable Organisation of the Year and Sustainability Project of the Year categories demonstrate the importance of this topic for business in 2019, where potential consumers and clients will often use green metrics to judge businesses' credentials.

Good intentions are no longer enough for the modern customer. Companies must demonstrate a firm commitment to eco-friendliness and the environment - for the planet, as well as end-users. This might be at the point of service, by removing plastic packaging from items, or further up the supply chain with efforts to reduce waste and address labour conditions.

Despite the importance of sustainable initiatives - which many executives acknowledge - the number of companies acting upon this trend is lower than it should be. That will change over time, but for now firms that come out with a strong message of eco-friendliness and corporate responsibility have a chance to separate themselves from the pack.

Making it onto the shortlist at the UK IT Awards - the premier event for the IT industry - is a major achievement, and a win is something to be truly proud of, proving that you stand head and shoulders above your peers.

It's not only about sustainability, though. Award categories cover all areas of the industry, from people and projects to companies and innovations. Check out a selection below, or view the whole category list.

Entries close on the 5th July, with the shortlist announced in mid-August. Following a judging day at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in September, we will announce our 2019 winners at the event itself on the 13th November.

More than 1,500 IT professionals attended last year's event, making the Awards one of the industry's best nights of the year for networking. Check out our galleries of attendees and winners - can you spot anyone you know?

You need to be in it to win it, so don't delay - enter before the 5th July, and remember to make your entry stand out!