MPs launch electronic waste and circular economy inquiry

Politicians will explore the true extent of the UK's e-waste problem and how a circular economy can be created for electronic goods.

MPs have launched a new inquiry into electronic waste e-waste and the circular economy.

According to the Environmental Audit Committee, increased use of electronic devices and equipment is resulting in an electronic waste epidemic.

"There are now more devices connected to the internet than there are humans on the planet. This is predicted to continue, fuelled by rising consumer demand and decreasing costs," it said in an announcement.

"This growth has led to a rapid increase in electronic waste (e-waste). Globally, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste were produced in 2017, 90% of which was sent to landfill, incinerated, illegally traded or treated in a sub-standard way."

Government statistics show that Europe and the US account for nearly half of the world's e-waste and that the EU will produce 12 million tonnes over the next year.

Through this inquiry, politicians hope to determine the true extent of this problem in the UK, investigate the e-waste industry and look at how a circular economy for electronic goods can be created.

When it comes to implementing a circular economy for electronic goods, MPs will explore the necessary steps that need to be taken to achieve this; the environmental and human health risk from e-waste; how can secondary markets for electrical goods be improved; and why recovering materials from electronic waste pose a significant challenge.

Another part of the enquiry will consider the UK's electronic waste sector, investigating whether current Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collection targets are achievable; causes of fraud in the UK's e-waste system; action the UK Government can take to prevent the illegal export of e-waste to the developing world; and if UK public awareness of e-waste recycling is satisfactory.

Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee Mary Creagh MP said: "Our old fridges, freezers, computers, TVs, kettles and mobile phones are piling up in a ‘tsunami of e-waste'.

"New phone launches, cheaper goods, and built-in obsolescence have contributed to the growth of electronic waste in recent years."

She added: "The UK produces more e-waste than the EU average. We are missing EU targets and are one of the worst offenders for exporting waste to developing countries, who are ill-equipped to dispose of it in a socially and environmentally responsible way.

"Our attitude to e-waste is unsustainable and the need for radical action clear. We will be investigating the UK's e-waste industry and looking at how we can create a circular economy."