Rising Star Awards celebrate the IT leaders of tomorrow

The Rising Star Awards honour new, innovative entrants to the IT space

In recent years, we at Computing have been proud to use our awards shows to recognise new entrants into the IT space, with categories including Graduate of the Year (Women in IT Excellence Awards); Young Engineer of the Year (DevOps Excellence Awards); and IT Apprentice of the Year (UK IT Awards).

Not content with that, however, we have decided to take it a step further.

2019 marks the launch of Computing's Rising Star Awards, where we will be celebrating all of the emerging talent in digital. Here we recognise and identify the sector's future leaders, as well as shining the spotlight on the organisations and individuals that help to foster and develop new talent in the industry.

Nominate now

The Awards are not about young versus old; they are about celebrating and recognising the achievements of those at the beginning of their career in the sector - shining a spotlight on their success and championing the organisations that do the most to develop new talent in the digital industry.

Most of the categories are open solely to those with 10 or fewer years of experience in IT, although we also have categories for supportive roles: mentors and unsung heroes, as well as companies who are taking crucial extra steps to support new staff.

Do you work with someone who is a rising star in the IT space? Or perhaps there's someone in your midst who has been a role model or mentor to those who are beginning their career in the sector? Or maybe you think that your own work helps you to stand out from the industry? If so, we want to hear from you.

To nominate an entry simply tell us, in 250 words or fewer, why your choice deserves to win their category. Remember: be specific and relate your answer back to both the category choice and the entry criteria.

Categories: Rising Star Awards 2019

Organisational Awards
Individual Awards

Computing Delta - valid from now until the end of time itself

<p><img border="0" src="../../..https://image.chitra.live/api/v1/wps/696ed48/c24dbe85-9434-4bd0-b663-8cdece1a9257/4/Computing-Delta-logo-small-Mar-2019-250-49-250x49.jpg" width="175" height="35" alt="Computing Delta logo - small. 250 pixels wide" title="Computing Delta logo - small. 250 pixels wide" class="left" /></p>

<p><em>Delta is a new market intelligence service from Computing to help CIOs and other IT decision makers make smarter purchasing decisions - decisions informed by the knowledge and experience of other CIOs and IT decision makers.&nbsp;</em></p>

<p><em>Delta is free from vendor sponsorship or influence of any kind, and is guided by a steering committee of well-known CIOs, such as Charles Ewen, Christina Scott, Steve Capper and Laura Meyer.&nbsp;</em></p>

<p><em>Ten crucial technology areas are already covered at launch, with more data appearing and more areas being covered every week. <strong><a title="Computing Delta" href="https://www.computingdelta.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign-up here for your free trial of the Computing Delta website</a></strong>.</em></p>

Computing Delta - valid from now until the end of time itself

Delta is a new market intelligence service from Computing to help CIOs and other IT decision makers make smarter purchasing decisions - decisions informed by the knowledge and experience of other CIOs and IT decision makers.

Delta is free from vendor sponsorship or influence of any kind, and is guided by a steering committee of well-known CIOs, such as Charles Ewen, Christina Scott, Steve Capper and Laura Meyer.

Ten crucial technology areas are already covered at launch, with more data appearing and more areas being covered every week. Sign-up here for your free trial of the Computing Delta website.