Scientists hail breakthrough with 'denary' set to replace binary

Denary 'a bigger deal' than quantum, says leading expert Professor Paol Folir

Scientists have hailed a new development in coding as a major breakthrough akin to the invention of the wheel, with the concept set to propel humanity into a new era.

Known as 'denary', the invention is likely to replace binary as the mathematical basis for computing.

Denary logic uses ten possible values, rather than binary's two (zero and one).

Professor Paol Folir of the Massachusetts Institute of Computers said that the breakthrough is set to be bigger than quantum.

"It's a much bigger deal than quantum," said Folir. "With binary there are only two states, and we've multiplied that by five with denary. That means that computers could instantly become four times as powerful, if my calcucations are correct."

However, Folir admitted that there are implementation issues.

"The one problem is that no one knows how to implement it. So we're building a ternary computer, which has three logic states, to help us build a quarternary system, and we'll get there in stages."

But why stop at denary?

"Ideally we wanted to get to duodenary, which is where there are twelve variables," said Folir "But the problem is no one knows the number for eleven variables. We're thinking we could link two denary computers together to maybe find the answer, but that's a long way off yet."

He concluded by describing what the breakthrough could do for humanity.

"Make no mistake, denary will change everything. With computers this powerful, they should become self-aware very quickly, probably take control of the world, and that can only be a good thing.

"We've had the industrial revolution and the digital revolution. This is the denary replacing binary for better computers revolution."