Introducing Evert Lombaert: Computing's new Associate Editor

Computing's new Associate Editor and Delegate Director discusses his favourite ever interview, and his role inviting CIOs to Computing's IT Leaders' Club

Computing is delighted to introduce Evert Lombaert as its new Associate Editor and Delegate Director.

A former film journalist, Evert manages Computing's IT Leaders' Club, whose members meet regularly at some of London's top venues for fine dining and networking.

Computing: What was your favourite interview you conducted?

Evert: I've got three favourite interviews for different reasons; I know that sounds like a bit of a cheat, but it's the truth. Steven Spielberg jumps straight to the front of my mind - incredibly warm and forthcoming - as an avid film fan since early childhood, being able to thank him personally for all the magic, was truly a special moment.

In a similar vein, Mark Hamill was immensely enthusiastic and engaging, whether we were dissecting Star Wars trivia or discussing modern American politics.

All in all though, John Cleese takes the overall crown - humble, extremely thoughtful and interested in an immense variety of topics - it is, by far, the most organic conversation I've ever had during an interview.

Computing: What are you biggest career achievements to date?

Evert: During my tenure as PR Manager for a tertiary multimedia school in Cape Town, I conceived a charity festival called Art With Heart benefitting the Amy Biehl Foundation. I coordinated a three corporate partnership which enabled students from numerous creative disciplines to showcase their portfolios.

The resultant funds raised for the charity, positive press for all three companies involved, and general positive spirit during those two days, was pure magic.

Computing: What interests you about IT Leaders and their roles?

Evert: What I find most interesting about my IT leader delegates, is that they are at the forefront of witnessing the mindboggling change of pace in today's technology more than any general consumer.

Attending the conferences and dinners, I am always amazed at how much dedication it takes to keep your fingers on the pulse of technology. Watching UK's IT leaders engaging at our forums, summits and dinners, I am not only constantly forced to raise my professional game, but also reminded that one never stops learning.

The willingness to share both successes and failures, highlight the more subtle qualities of what it means to be a true leader.

Computing: What exactly is the IT Leaders' Club?

Evert: The club is a collective of UK's IT leaders from across all sectors who meet at some of London's leading exclusive venues in a series of forums, summits and dinners.

While most delegates are nominated or invited, candidates who apply for attendance are subject to board approval. The half-day forums and summits typically host around 40 delegates, and include complimentary breakfast and lunch - these formats include speakers, panel sessions and roundtable workshops.

Our dinners host up to 15 of the most senior leaders of industry at one table discussing a specific topic - these are held under Chatham House rules, which provides a safe environment for all present to discuss their most pressing issues at hand.

We've got some incredible club events in the pipeline for 2019, and the team is itching to get started.