Cloud: you're in it, what now?

Cloud deployments do not always live up to expectations, join us to discuss how to make it work

Many businesses now use cloud services, be that SaaS, IaaS or PaaS, to manage some parts of their operations. For some it's a matter of deploying cloud storage or backup, or maybe Office365 in the cloud, while for others their usage is far more transformational - utilising the almost infinite flexibility and scalability of cloud to completly change how they operate.

However, for many the anticipated gains resulting from increased agility, new routes to market and reduced costs have fail to materialise.

Rather than being the flexible glue that unifies the various moving parts for some cloud adoption has simply produced whole new silos.

Lacking the ability to manage data across different clouds and in-house operations some have seen costs spiral (the legendary ability to spin up a server is not always matched by an operator's ability to remember to shut it down again). Elsewhere deployments are characterised by duplicated effort and gaps in coverage. This is particularly the case when cloud is adopted in an ad hoc, inconsistent fashion.

Making the most of the cloud is the topic of discussion at our IT Leader's Dining Club at The Berkeley in London on the evening of December 4th.

Entrance is free for senior IT professionals and C-Level technologists from end-user private sector organisations with 1000+ employees. If that's you, please join us for fine dining and even finer conversation!

Register now for your free place