Most businesses will use artificial intelligence by 2028

AI, VR and working on the morning commute - it's all to come

A third of businesses believe that artificial intelligence will be widespread in the enterprise by 2028, while a fifth expect that the same will apply to virtual reality and in-vehicle working (due to the rise of autonomous vehicles).

A study by TomTom Telematics, a unit of TomTom, shows that while tech developments like AI and VR are coming to the enterprise, business users are wary of the prospect.

Almost a third (32 per cent) of respondents said that they thought that they would struggle to keep up with the pace of change - and half (49 per cent) expect that those who do not do so will risk going out of business.

TomTom Telematics' director UK & Ireland, Beverley Wise, said, "Companies should be mindful of the pace of change and keep a close eye on the solutions and processes that will help ensure a competitive future - from smart mobility and connected tech to advanced manufacturing and design systems. Many of today's new emerging technologies will disrupt and revolutionise commerce, and in the process become the standard for tomorrow."

Another trend, already here, is remote working, which is swiftly becoming the rule, rather than the exception to it - especially among larger companies. Almost 60 per cent of enterprise firms support remote working, compared to fewer than 40 per cent of SMEs.

Wise said, "The onus is on businesses, both large and small, to adapt to this new era of hypermobility and connected working that is being ushered in by advancements in areas ranging from telematics and the connected car to iPaaS and blockchain solutions.

"Such connected technologies and unified communication systems are unshackling workers from traditional working patterns."