A-level results: Maths and Computing on the rise

Investment in STEM education sees rise in number of students taking the subjects, though proportion of A* grades falls

A-level results have been released across the UK, with an increasing number of students revealed to have sat exams in Maths and Computing, in addition to other STEM subjects.

Entries for subjects classified as STEM by the Joint Council for Qualifications accounted for 36.2 per cent of all UK A-level entries, up from 34.5 per cent in 2017.

The largest increase was in computing, where entries shot up 23.9 per cent. However, there was a 25 per cent fall in students taking ICT, which is not technically classified as a STEM subject.

STEM subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, design and technology, maths, further maths, computing and 'other sciences'.

Maths was the most popular A-level in 2018, with over 97,000 entries, representing a 2.5 per cent increase on last year.

Sean Farrington, SVP EMEIA at Pluralsight, referenced the government's recent investment in STEM education, but also lamented the lack of females taking the subjects.

"The government has recently invested in STEM education with these subjects now making up 36 per cent of all A-Level entries. Those taking computing grew by 24 per cent this year, with 63 per cent achieving A* to C grades.

"But in order to succeed with the ambition to lead the world in new tech like AI and 5G, much more needs to be done. To put things into perspective, China spent £212 billion on R&D last year, while the UK spent just £33 billion in 2016.

"If we want to keep up with technological developments in the coming years, we need to encourage thousands more young people, and particularly girls to consider careers in technology.

"Only 12 per cent of those taking computing A-level were female. While university degrees aren't the be-all and end-all, they are important markers for the direction of the country.

"That is why it is so important to ensure that once graduates and others enter the workforce, employers continue to invest in skill technology development and training to keep them at the forefront of what's possible."

Computing's Women in IT Excellence Awards are designed to recognise and promote the women forging successful careers in IT, in an effort to inspire the next generation.

The event will be held on 27th November in Central London.