Investigation into Apple IP infringement claims opened by US International Trade Commission

Complaint covers almost everything Apple makes

Computer giant Apple is facing a US International Trade Commission (ITC) investigation following a complaint that many of its devices infringe on intellectual property owned by two companies, Aqua Connect and Strategic Technology Partners.

The investigation covers a wide range of Apple products, including Macs, iPhones, iPads, iPods and even Apple TVs, and as with any complaint, it also calls for a temporary cease and desist on the sale of the devices, which theoretically would require Apple to withdraw the offending products from sale in the US.

More realistically, if the ITC does uphold the complaint - more specific details of which haven't been made public as yet - Apple will work to come to a settlement with the two companies alleging infringement in order to avoid its devices being pulled off sale, especially during its highly profitable fourth quarter.

The allegation, filed on 10 November, alleges violations of section 337 of the Tariff Act 1930. This section rules "whether there is unfair competition in the importation of products into, or their subsequent sale in, the United States. Section 337 declares the infringement of a U.S. patent, copyright, registered trademark, or mask work to be an unlawful practice in import trade."

It's also the provision by which other unfair methods of competition or importation are declared unlawful by the ITC.

With the investigation now officially opened, the ITC has 45 days to set a date for the completion of it.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, Apple is being investigated once again over allegations that it is passing off the cost of advertising its devices onto local carriers, according to PatentlyApple. It's a situation that isn't entirely new to Apple, having been ordered to pay around $5.7m in France for what the authorities decided were misleading advertising techniques.