How business models should adapt to exploit the Internet of Things


Jonny Voon, lead technologist IoT at Innovate UK, discusses the markets best-placed to take advantage of IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has generated a lot of column inches in recent years, but is there substance behind the hype?

Jonny Voon, lead technologist, IoT, at government agency Innovate UK, discusses the markets best positioned to take advantage of the concept today, and explains how organisations must adapt their business models.

This is the second of two videos in which Voon explains why IoT is important to organsiations, and how they can benefit.

The first video: 'Who is the Internet of Things actually for?' is available here.

Innovate UK works with individuals and organisations to attempt to find and drive the science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy.

Computing's Internet of Things Business Summit 2016 will be held on 12th May in Central London. Attendance is free to qualifying end users, and sponsorship packages are still available.