Top 5 YouTube videos for IT security professionals

Some of the best videos from around the web, designed to help you (and your stakeholders) understand security, and its increasing importance

Some say that complete, impenetrable security is impossible, but they're wrong. In fact, total security is simple. Unplug your computers, bolt the windows and doors, seal the letter box and melt the telephones.

There's your risk profile down to zero. Just like your revenue.

Given that we live in a world where bad people want to steal data, and organisations want to protect it, most firms have some form of IT security. And to help the wider world understand the threats that this function is designed to counter, Computing has selected the handful of videos below.

1. Kevin Mitnick: Live Hack at CeBIT Global Conferences 2015

Kevin Mitnick, labelled the world's most famous hacker in his introduction, and the "dark side hacker" during his time in federal custody, is a high profile black hat turned white hat. In this video he discusses his career and eventual capture by the FBI, and demonstrates various hacking techniques.

This could be a useful introduction to what hackers are capable of, in case your CEO or CFO ever asks "Why do we need IT security?"

Top 5 YouTube videos for IT security professionals

Some of the best videos from around the web, designed to help you (and your stakeholders) understand security, and its increasing importance

2. Cybersecurity as Realpolitik by Dan Geer, presented at Black Hat USA 2014

Computer security analyst and risk management specialist Dan Geer discusses security from a philosophical and ethical perspective.

Among the excellent points he raises is the notion that software makers should be held accountable for the security of the software. Geer explains that we trust houses not to fall on our heads, even when we've never met any of the people responsible for its construction, in part because the industry has a long history of holding builders accountable for the safety of their work.

It's about product liability, he says. "If you make money building something then you'd better do it well or you'll be responsible for the trouble it causes. The only two concepts not covered by product liability are religion and software ," states Geer.

Top 5 YouTube videos for IT security professionals

Some of the best videos from around the web, designed to help you (and your stakeholders) understand security, and its increasing importance

3. Bruce Schneier: "Liars and Outliers" | Talks at Google

Bruce "the beard" Schneier discusses the concept of trust. "Human society runs on trust. We all trust millions of people, organizations, and systems every day - and we do it so easily that we barely notice.

"But in any system of trust, there is an alternative, parasitic, strategy that involves abusing that trust. Making sure those defectors don't destroy the cooperative systems they're abusing is an age-old problem, one that we've solved through morals and ethics, laws, and all sorts of security technologies. Understanding how these all work - and fail - is essential to understanding the problems we face in today's increasingly technological and interconnected world ," he says.

Top 5 YouTube videos for IT security professionals

Some of the best videos from around the web, designed to help you (and your stakeholders) understand security, and its increasing importance

4. Swimming with sharks - security in the Internet of Things: Joshua Corman

The Internet of Things, the idea of large, interconnected networks of "things", whether they are sensors, clothes, food, engine parts or even fridges, has now moved from the drawing board to reality. And while it brings with it a host of potential benefits for individuals and organisations, it's accompanied by a host of new security threats.

Security strategist Joshua Corman discusses the risks, highlights the potential adversaries, and provides tips for organisations to help secure themselves.

Top 5 YouTube videos for IT security professionals

Some of the best videos from around the web, designed to help you (and your stakeholders) understand security, and its increasing importance

5. Hitler on cloud computing

Finally, a little light relief, but coupled with some important messages about risk tolerances and the relevance of security standards.

Computing's Enterprise Security and Risk Management Summit will be on the 24th November, in Central London. Attendance is free for qualified end users.