Google's week: £130m tax deal slammed, Chrome boost and AI prowess with Go defeat

Company was also left red-faced after a flaw was uncovered in one of its browser extensions

Google has had a busy seven days, having released a new version of Chrome for iOS and boasted of its artificial intelligence prowess.

But a rogue extension of its browser was discovered, and the firm was criticised by MPs after striking a 'paltry' tax deal with the government.

MPs slam government over 'paltry' £130m Google tax deal

Google's deal with HMRC to pay £130m in back taxes came under fire from MPs. Members from all the major political parties claimed that Google's tax practices, and those of other global corporations, are not acceptable.

Rogue Google browser extension found spying on users

A rogue Google browser extension that grants invasive permissions and lets the app spy on user activity was uncovered by security firm Malwarebytes.

The extension, in the guise of a common calculator application, was downloaded close to 1,000 times before it was yanked from the official web store.

Google AI crushes Go grandmaster and beats Facebook as well

Google's artificial intelligence division has achieved a landmark victory over the grandmaster of Chinese board game Go.

The AlphaGo system beat three-time European Go champion Fan Hui 5:0 in a competition held at the company's London headquarters in October.

Google Chrome for iOS gets speed boost and crash cut

Google revealed the latest version of Chrome for iOS, which now has a claimed 70 percent reduction in crashes and a JavaScript speed boost.

The update should make browsing with Chrome on iPads and iPhones a smoother and faster process.