Computing Christmas Tablet Roundup: The year of Windows?


Join Stuart Sumner, Sooraj Shah and Peter Gothard as we consider Microsoft's stepped-up offerings in the 2014 tablet space

Microsoft seems finally to be making progress in the small tablet world.

Probably as a side effect of the company's decision earlier this year to make Windows licences free for tablets under 9-inches in size, the market has seen a proliferation of cheap tablets in the £90-£200 mark.

Join Stuart Sumner, Sooraj Shah and Peter Gothard as we take a look at some of these offerings, before debating the enterprise use case for screens so small the Windows taskbar is difficult to use on the move.

Also, we debate the strength of the Windows app store in its current form, and the growing power and effectiveness of hybrid devices.

The tablets in this video were provided by Microsoft, Dell, Xplore and