Top 10 most read: Galaxy S5 reviews, Canonical Ubuntu push, Windows XP bug
Top stories from the past week with V3 readers
Samsung's flagship Galaxy S5 smartphone has just hit the market and phone fans are clearly keen to see how the device stacks up against its rivals.
V3 readers flocked to our head-to-head review between the Galaxy S5 and its Android brother the Nexus 5, while our three-way video review against the Nexus 5 and the iPhone 5S was also hugely popular - it is embedded below so you can see how the handsets stacked up.
The HTC One M8 has also just arrived on the scene, so our vs review with the Galaxy S5 was also popular with readers, no doubt as many consider getting themselves a post-Easter treat.
Elsewhere, news from Canonical that its new Ubuntu release could double as a Windows XP replacement was of interest, as firms and individuals continue to grapple with the end of XP support.
Microsoft caused more headaches for those running XP last week when a security upgrade for one of its tools played havoc with systems still on XP.
Elsewhere, claims from Ofcom that broadband speeds have risen again, even in remote areas, were met with scepticism from some readers, who complained they were still stuck in the slow lane for web access.
Galaxy S5 vs Nexus 5 head-to-head review
We find out which Android device deserves the plaudits
Canonical touts Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop as Windows XP replacement
Firm hopes to gain from end of support for Windows platform
Canonical ships Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with support for 64-bit ARM servers and OpenStack Icehouse
Latest version of Linux platform made available
Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5S vs Nexus 5
Three-way review between top devices on the market
Galaxy S5 vs HTC One M8 video review
Top new devices on the market put head to head
Windows XP security update with bug error causes havoc
More woes for those on ancient operating system
UK broadband average hits 17.8Mbps but rural divide widens
Rural speeds increasing too, Ofcom data claims
Microsoft: Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Update if you want security patches
Redmond puts pressure on as it hopes for OS uptake
Virgin Media slammed over reply all email blunder
Users fume of 600-plus email spam in inboxes
Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint scanner hacked
Researchers chide firm for ease of cracking biometric tool