Top 10 articles: iPad 2 and Transformer Prime head-to-head and OS X Mountain Lion

The battle for the tablet market appears to be heating up, with our in-depth head-to-head review between the Apple iPad 2 and Asus Transformer Prime the most popular story of the week, underlining the increasing competition Apple is facing in this market.

The hybrid nature of the Asus Transformer Prime, and its improved specifications over the iPad 2, made it the clear winner in our review, really helping to ramp-up the expectations, and pressure, around the forthcoming iPad 3.

Still, Apple is still the undisputed top-dog in the technology world at present, with the announcement of its new Mountain Lion OS X operating system causing quite a buzz, with our top five features from the system proving popular.

Elsewhere the scientists at CERN were generating headlines by increasing the power of the Large Hadron Collider in an effort to final find the elusive Higgs Boson, a discovery which could have huge implications for our entire understanding of the universe.

Apple iPad 2 vs Asus Transformer Prime head-to-head review
Android hybrid goes up against the iOS stalwart

Top five features of Apple OS X Mountain Lion
Things we're most looking forward to using on the forthcoming edition of OS X

Analysts see looming cloud push from Microsoft
Company could be poised to cover public and private spaces

Thousands of public encryption keys found to offer no security
Researchers uncover flaw in widely used encryption system

Top 10 Microsoft Windows 8 features to be excited about
We round up the intriguing and the innovative from Redmond's forthcoming Windows revamp

Apple issues lawsuit against Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone
Google also faces serious threat from unified search patent claim, analysts warn

Nuclear watchdog loses USB containing data on power plant in Hartlepool
Organisation claims data not sensitive and already in the public domain

CERN powers up Large Hadron Collider in final search for Higgs Boson
Beam energy to hit four teraelectron volts as organisation hopes for discovery in 2012

FireEye warns 95 per cent of firms unable to defend against malware onslaught
Hackers target systems which are not easily patched, say researchers

Centrify extends Active Directory control to iPhone, iPad and Android
DirectControl for Mobile enables administrators to lock down devices using Group Policy