Top 10 articles: Tech products to throw on the bonfire, and the Juniper router glitch

Top picks of the week for V3 readers

Most popular with V3 readers this week was our topical list of the products to throw on the bonfire, while also ranking highly were security concerns and hardware reviews.

Top of the list went to the V3 team's pick of the worst tech products. Entries including Lotus Notes, tablets and datacentres caused some lively debate on our comment pages.

Elsewhere, V3 readers were keen to find out the latest news on the internet outage which seemed to sweep the UK and other parts of the world after a Juniper router glitch knocked countless web sites offline.

As always, hardware reviews were popular, with the Sony Tablet S and the HTC Titan both ranking in the top 10, while news of the Firefox 8 launch, Microsoft's Patch Tuesday security update and Apple's iOS flaw also made onto the list.

Other big news this week included Adobe's decision to drop Flash for mobile browsers, and the BPI's move to persuade BT to block the Newzbin file sharing site.

Top 10 tech products to throw on the bonfire for fireworks night
Technology disasters that need to burn on 5 November

Scores of web sites knocked offline by Juniper router glitch
Level3 customers among those hit as network firms scramble to restore services

Hague implicated as UK firm is accused of selling mobile spying tech to Iran
Foreign secretary caught up in scandal over funding for controversial company

Sony Tablet S review
A high-end Honeycomb tablet with a unique design

Firefox 8 to land with built-in Twitter search
Mozilla's latest browser also drops support for third-party add-ons

Adobe to drop Flash for mobile browsers as Apple wins stand off
Firm to concentrate on HTML5 support instead

BPI asks BT to block The Pirate Bay as rights holders flex their muscles
Trade body looks to use Newzbin 2 ruling to have infamous site blocked

Apple iOS flaw exposes iPhone app security risk
Researcher Charlie Miller discovers way for developers to bypass Apple's code signing process

Light November Patch Tuesday, but no place for Duqu fix
This month will see just four security bulletins from Microsoft

HTC Titan review
A Windows Phone Mango handset with a whopping 4.7in screen