Whitehall seeks group therapy

CCTA to share outsourcing knowledge and experience

Government IT agency CCTA has joined an exclusive group of the world?s largest outsourcing users to share outsourcing knowledge and experience.

The decision came at a meeting of the International IT Users Group, whose UK members include BP, Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace, held at a London hotel in May.

CCTA chief executive Bob Assirati told Computing: ?We wanted to join because the group has a body of knowledge we want to tap into.?

UK government agencies have signed some of the world?s biggest outsourcing deals including the Inland Revenue?s 10-year, #1.6 billion deal with EDS, and the Department of Social Security?s 10-year, #650 million contract, also with EDS.

These departments will be represented by the CCTA, although key departments may later join individually.

? Report by Dan Sabbagh.