First Capital Connect provides train updates via Twitter

Rail operator uses the micro-blogging service to give commuters travel information on the move

Commuters can get service updates while on the move by using Twitter

Train operator First Capital Connect (FCC) has become the first rail company to use Twitter to communicate with customers, with the launch of a service offering up-to-date travel information.

When travellers follow the rail operator on the micro-blogging site, they are asked to provide information about their commute, such as stations they use and departure times.

FCC decided to launch the service due to the mobile-friendly nature of the Twitter interface, which means customers will be able to get regular updates on the status of the network while on the move.

“When Twitter's popularity in the UK started to grow, we decided it could help us provide our customers with relevant, timely information to help make their journeys easier during times of disruption,” said First Capital Connect's e-marketing manager Katey Burton.

“We believe the service is a first for a rail operator and it will really help customers both now and in the future as Twitter develops,” added Burton.

Commuters can start using the service via