Toshiba goes for the direct sell

But Japanese giant claims it will not compete with its channel

Toshiba has quietly moved to selling direct to customers.

IT buyers in need of quick delivery of peripherals and even laptop PCs can now buy them directly from Toshiba's website, although they may have to pay a premium compared with buying through resellers.

Although PC makers recognise Dell's advantages in selling direct to end-users, they are often wary of upsetting their sales channel partners.

"We're not trying to set up services that challenge our channel," said Alan Thompson, UK head of Toshiba Information Systems.

"What we're looking for are the bits and pieces that are not sufficiently interesting to them. They're not going to try to market a £5 cable or ear-piece."

However, Thompson agreed that time-pressed buyers would also buy laptops directly from Toshiba, despite the premium price.

"People who are very time-poor and just say 'give it to me' will buy laptops in that way," he said. "If five minutes are worth £50 to them then why would they care?"