Life sciences linked in real time

Merseyside businesses collaborate globally

Life-sciences industry body Merseybio is using social networking tools to enable real-time collaboration between global organisations.

The company has developed a web-based portal called Esymbio for biotechnology companies and academic institutions to share information and resources.

It recently introduced instant messaging (IM) tools to allow community members to see who is online and share information through the site.

Merseybio is the first organisation to offer search and collaboration technology to the life sciences community, says business manager Wendy Johnson.

‘It allows firms to search for documents, share research or seek regulatory advice all on one site,’ she said.

‘It is used by pharmaceutical firms, academic institutions and small businesses that previously could not afford such technology.’

The Esymbio platform was developed and is managed by Amaze. It uses data retrieval tools, secure document storage and content management software.

Firms are waking up to the benefits of social networking tools, says Ovum analyst Graham Titterington. ‘IM allows fast communications worldwide and can facilitate virtual meetings,’ he said.

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Further reading

Online life sciences archive

Roche injects effort into data analysis

UK leads Europe in biotechnology research