Interview: GBG, Digital Technology Leaders Awards finalist

Mark Mamone, Group Chief Information Officer at GBG

Mark Mamone, Group Chief Information Officer at GBG

Our mission is to build trust in a digital world. says 'Chief Geek' Mark Mamone

The Digital Technology Leaders Awards occupy a special place among Computing events. Rather than platforms and tools, this event is dedicated to the companies and workers driving technology forwards at the leading edge of IT.

This year, we will announce the winners at a live ceremony on Wednesday 6th July in Central London.

One of those finalists is GBG, which has reached the shortlist for three categories: Best Place to Work in Digital - Large Organisations; Digital Ambassador of the Year; and CDO of the Year.

We talked to Mark Mamone, Group CIO at GBG, about what makes his company stand out from the crowd.

A published author, motivational leader and, in his own words, 'Chief Geek', Mark Mamone spearheads the data and technology strategy for GBG. As Group CIO, he ensures that the company uses data to drive growth and team members have the right tools in place to thrive, whether they're working in a GBG office or their own 'virtual office'. Mamone is also responsible for the Group's information security and cyber defence processes.

Computing: Please provide some background on your company.

Mark Mamone: We are the experts in digital location, identity and managing fraud risk and compliance, helping organisations across the globe eliminate customer friction and fraud from their digital experiences. GBG develop and deliver digital identity, address verification, fraud prevention and compliance software to businesses globally.

What makes you different from other technology companies?

MM: Our mission is to build trust in a digital world. Through the combination of the latest technology, the best data and our unrivalled expertise, GBG helps organisations ranging from startups to the largest consumer and technology brands in the world deliver seamless experiences, so their customers can transact online with greater confidence.

What one company achievement in the last 12 months are you most proud of?

MM: As we help our customers build trust in a digital world, we too have had to adapt to the new realities of doing business. GBG's own digital transformation during the pandemic has been a tremendously exciting time, enabled and supported by an awesome team. Together we have pivoted to a complete remote-working strategy, trusting our team members to work where and when we want, while maintaining our high standards of customer service delivery and trust.

What are you working on this year?

MM: With the formation of our Global Products Group and GBG Americas team following the acquisition of Acuant, FY23 will see us accelerate our market leadership, consolidating our global product roadmap and readying the deployment of global products alongside local solutions. And with hundreds of new GBG Americas team members working when and where they want, we will continue to support our growing global workforce with the very best technology in our ongoing Stronger Together programme.

Why are events like the Digital Technology Leaders Awards important to the IT industry?

MM: An award-winning business doesn't rest on its laurels and always benefits from healthy competition. Events such as the Digital Technology Leaders Awards help us to look at our business from a different perspective and make sure that we stand out for innovative technology, unique data insights and are trusted by customers, team members and investors to continue to deliver on our vision of a world where everyone can transact online with confidence.