'What makes me laugh? My husband's terrible dad jokes!' - 15 Questions with Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President of techUK

Computing continues its '15 questions' interview series, in which Jacqueline de Rojas talks about her influences, inspirations and early aspirations to be a BBC newreader

Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President of techUK takes the infamous '15 Questions' hotseat.

What job did you want to do as a child?
All through my teens and beyond I aspired to be a newscaster at the BBC.
Languages, storytelling and the impact of word choices always struck me as incredibly powerful. Sadly the BBC did not come knocking and after I finished my studies I was offered a job in technology recruitment which I grasped with both hands and frankly I have never looked back!

What was your first ever job?
My first ever job was working for a small newsagent at weekends. It was a time when Saturday jobs were a thing, everybody had one and employers were glad of the help. Personally I was grateful for both the work experience and the independence it gave me.

How would you describe your current work to a 5 year old child?
I encourage children and adults to celebrate their differences. What makes us different makes us amazing!

How, why and when did you get into technology?
I was the first In the family to go to University and I chose to study European Business in Germany.

I did NOT expect to carve out a career in technology - I wonder if this is the same for any of you but I came to my industry by accident! My early career aspiration was actually to read the news on the BBC. I had studied business and I was fluent in a number of languages it would have been the pinnacle of success to have announced peace or even war on the six o clock news!

As with all the best laid plans, the BBC did not in fact come knocking and after completing my degree in European business in Germany, I was offered a job in tech recruitment and after two years found myself working for a fast growing British tech start up.

And so it was that I went looking for successful people to copy. I used to think that styling myself on people was the cheat's way of getting on but these days we call them role models and I found loads of them.

Who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to work/business?
I am inspired by so many incredible role models who are so accomplished and much celebrated in their own right: Pinky Lilani CBE, Vanessa Vallely OBE, Sherry Coutu CBE, Sheila Flavell CBE, Martha Lane Fox, Dame Wendy Hall, Rav Bumbra, June Angelides MBE, Sue Black OBE but most of all I am inspired by my family who mean everything to me.

What achievement makes you most proud?
It has to be receiving a letter informing me of my inclusion in the Queen's New Year Honours List 2018. It is really something to be honoured with a CBE - Something we celebrated at Buckingham Palace as a family. Very emotional and very humbling to be amongst so many amazing people.

What's the best life and work advice you've ever been given?
The best advice I have ever been given is that ‘You are never too small to make a difference'. It has helped me to understand the power of the individual and has stood me in good stead when faced with seemingly unsolvable situations.

What was the first band you ever saw?
The first band I ever saw was a punk band in Cardiff in which my boyfriend was a guitarist…. In later years my favourite Wembley moment was Ed Sheeran singing together with Andrea Bocelli. Unforgettable memory with our kids.

What is your favourite book / film?
If you haven't read it, read Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier - it is a book I have read a thousand times. Recently though, The Queen's Gambit is amazing and inspiring!

If you could speak to your teenage self, what advice would you give him/her?
It is alright not to know everything. Be constantly curious and forgive yourself when things don't quite go to plan.

What makes you laugh?
My husband's terrible dad jokes along with the mad things that our Cavapoochon puppy gets up to :)

If you could solve one major problem, what would it be?
Levelling the playing field for all.

Think of your favourite place. Where are you thinking of?
Home! Which is wherever my family is.

What traits do you most like and dislike in others?
I like and admire inclusive behaviour. I dislike people who are disrespectful to others

Which technology of the near future are you most excited about?
There is so much technology to get excited about but I suspect the game changer is going to be quantum computing - Short term though, if everyone in the country can get access to decent wifi, I would be pretty happy with that!