Video Q&A: Paul Coby, CIO of British Airways - Part two

BA's IT chief talks about the challenges facing the IT leaders of the future, and the skills and experience tomorrow's CIOs will need to develop

As part of Computing's Tomorrow's IT Leaders campaign, we talk to the UK's top chief information officers (CIOs) to find out their views on the role of IT leaders and how this will change in the post-recessionary world.

In this video, British Airways CIO Paul Coby talks to Computing senior reporter Angelica Mari and Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, director of the BCS Elite IT management group, about developing the IT leaders of the future.

Click here to watch the first installment of this two-part interview, in which Coby talks about how BA is managing a 30 per cent IT budget cut yet still focusing on staff development.

IBM White PaperThe Smarter Planet:a mandate for CIO leadership in a radically changing world