How to backup and protect your data in a virtual environment

A panel of experts answered IT managers' questions in a recent web seminar

Server virtualisation is rapidly becoming a mainstay of the enterprise datacentre, as firms look to increase utilisation rates across their server estate, and squeeze every drop of value out of existing infrastructure.

But as those utilisation rates rise, organisations may be unwittingly weakening one of their core defences. Traditionally, backup technologies have been able to use untapped server capacity to protect vital data without interrupting day-to-day activity. In a virtual environment there is far less capacity for backup to exploit; there is a risk that backup will disrupt mission-critical operations.

So how can firms unleash the benefits of server virtualisation without undermining the business continuity efforts?

A recent Computing web seminar, in association with EMC, examined the principles of business continuity in a virtual environment. Our panel discussed the technologies which can help ensure business continuity plans remain robust and explored best practice for backup in a virtual world.

Click here to watch the whole of the free web seminar (registration required)