In our competition, you loved this more...

How exciting. It’s time to count the votes in our Beatles lyrics competition. We trust you have all received your songsheets and are even now making good use of them at your Christmas parties while wearing your party hat at a jaunty angle. Believe us, it’s better than cornering the temp from accounts and telling her how you’ve always fancied her, especially if your wife has just arrived to drive you home.
But we digress. As they say on X Factor: more than three million of you voted. During the voting, all three finalists were in the lead at some stage! (We made the three million votes part up). But the winner is: Neil Haughton’s version of In My Life. If you’re coming to this late, because you only read the silly bit of Computing at Christmas, then we’re not going to indulge your problem by reprinting the lyrics – but you can still get the lyrics, and the rest of our songsheet, by emailing Backbytes with the title ‘Beatles Life’. Neil, send us your address and we’ll send you some Christmas champagne.