Standard Life puts environmental policies into action

Bill O'Day outlines the company's green initiatives

Standard Life’s green policies revolve around a number of points, says operational services director Bill O’Day.

The company has overhauled its data centre and introduced air cooling capabilities to reduce energy consumption.

‘We plan to upgrade much of our equipment, which will allow better energy consumption across our two data centres,’ he said.

The financial services firm is purchasing desktops with wake-up local area network facilities, which allow machines to be switched on and off for maintenance without having to keep them running all night, for example.

Hotdesking and flexible working hours have also been introduced. ‘This reduces the number of desktops that are needed at any one time, which gives benefits in terms of refresh rates as well as obvious benefits in energy efficiency,’ said O’Day.

The company is also committed to phasing out the use of ozone-depleting substances in its buildings.

Staff are encouraged to give positive support to initiatives that affect the local, national and global environment.

Standard Life has a policy to liaise with suppliers to develop environmental best practice in the supply chain, and promotes the recycling of raw materials. It is also committed to integrate environmental considerations into investment decisions.

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Further Reading:

HSBC switches to green computing