Mobile technology key to global business

In these uncertain times, portable technology remains one of the industry's success stories.

Companies which take up mobile technologies could find themselves at the leading edge of global business over the next five years.

Mobility offers a roadmap to more effective processing of information for employees, customers and suppliers.

"Wireless strategies are the way of the future," said Stevan Hoyle, director of corporate segment at Vodafone UK. "Businesses should be prepared for new working practices, where there's a mobilisation of information and people."

Most of all, UK companies need to recognise that essential business processes and practices can be supported by workers on the move.

"Why would a company need hundreds and thousands of people coming into the office when their mobility can be supported by technology?" asked Hoyle.

The mobile business isn't just a high-tech vision. Companies are already beginning to think about how they can make staff more productive using the latest mobile technologies and applications.

"I'm seeing more and more companies using mobile technologies," said Hoyle. "Companies want their workers to have information whenever, and wherever, they are."

The first mobile networking technologies included basic email and calendar functionality. But this application specification is now being extended, and many companies are beginning to mobilise desktop software.

Executives and field workers are driving this demand for an extended mobile application range.

"It's about making employees more effective," explained Hoyle. "More applications on the move helps the business provide quality data when it is required."

Most of all, businesses can provide essential information to customers and suppliers. "We're finding that the IT drivers from our customers are how they can reduce the number of suppliers they use," said Hoyle.

"Businesses want to take desktop applications above email and calendar, such as customer relationship management, and feed relevant information back to the customer."

As links to customers and suppliers are created through mobile networks, companies need to ensure that they are working within a safe environment.

"Organisations are finding that certain data has a priority," said Hoyle. "Not all employees should have access to stored data, and the network should always be secure."