Cloudcast: What advantages could cloud bring to your business

Question 1 of Cloudcast's six week series puts this question to 18 senior IT leaders

Computing, in association with Microsoft, have recently conducted a series of interviews with a wide variety of senior IT personnel, Cloudcast. This podcast is your opportunity to hear their first-hand experiences in the cloud. Each week will offer insight into the real issues that migrating to the cloud can present, and the benefits that this move will bring to your business.

The six week series will deliver informative, considered opinions from IT business leaders, and cover topics ranging from "What advantages do you think the cloud could bring to your business?" to "What needs to change in IT to take advantage of the Cloud?". Lasting no more than twenty minutes, these podcasts give true insight into the real challenges and solutions facing businesses every day.

Download the podcast here (right click & "save target as")